Ditching Distractions

Bailey Morgan
2 min readJul 19, 2021


In my first story, I mentioned that Daniel Rechnitzer wrote in his book ‘Mind Lies’ that “sitting without distractions brings great fortune.” These are powerful words that have changed my way of thinking about the dreaded idea of being alone. We have become a culture of constant distraction and instant gratification. There is now 24 hour access to what society believes is “everything”. Taking even a small step away from the constant distractions, we often find we already have everything.

What an amazing thing to realize!! We already have everything. There is no need to constantly chase the next big thing. The truth is we already have everything we could ever desire inside ourselves. All we have to do is be brave enough to look inside and see we are love, respect, gratitude, truth and everything great in the universe. We have become so externally focused on what others have, think or believe that we forget to think or believe for ourselves. It is like we are trying to fill an internal desire with an external object or distraction. Even the food we eat does not stay with us or fill the void of hunger forever.

Once we take the time to switch to an internal perspective, we find that all we desire or need is LOVE! The best person to provide us with love is ourselves. But wait you say, that is selfish……the truth is it is selfish to ignore ourselves or help others at the expense of ourselves. In doing this, we help no one and steal and deplete ourselves……which is by definition selfish.

When we take time to enjoy spending time alone in truth and truly learn to love who we are, we can find the everything we have been searching for. We spend our time trying to earn love and respect from others, but if we do not love and respect ourselves first, how will we know when we found it somewhere else? The most amazing thing is, once we love ourselves, we can feel the magnitude of others love for us. We can then see that God, the creater of the Univerese, loves us and that is the greatest love there is. Daniel also wrote, “In the absence of trying, what remains is your perfection.” Don’t fall victim to trying to love yourself, embrace that loving yourself comes with ease and grace. Know that God never makes a mistake and the truth is we are already perfect and loved!



Bailey Morgan
Bailey Morgan

Written by Bailey Morgan

Wanderer here to make a shift in the world to help others enjoy a life of grace and ease! Living life on purpose!!

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